Call Me Ishmael
Ishmael was born east of the Garden of Eden, in the reign of Caesar Augustus to a noble family of caravan traders ruled by the Candaces, warrior queens who were the daughters of Solomon, and daughters of Adam and Eve’s son Seth and the daughters of Ham, the son of Noah.
As a young polymath, Ishmael is given the finest tutors from ancient India, the birthplace of math.
His disinterest in the arts of war finally frustrates Ishmael, so his father has him tutored by the legendary warriors of his ancient world, some are princes and even princesses themselves.
Come with Ishmael as he trains with the world’s elite, fights his way through the Horde of the Kahn, defeats the legendary pirate fleet, raiders of the Indian Ocean, and venture with his Grandfather who chases the Star that Hovers to its astonishing location.
This tale covers the keystone period of history and fills in the blanks with The Rest of THAT Story.
This is a story about the great and the fallen, about the hard working and the lazy, about war and peace, and about good and evil. There is birth and there is death. There is suffering and there is triumph. It is a story of life.