David Pickett Author

             David Pickett Author


Franklin’s Encore


Young Benjamin Franklin finds himself walking out of his 1732 Philadelphia print shop and into his Ben Franklin National Library in 2040 through Will Burleson’s Alcubierre Space Folding Drive developed by NASA in 2024.

Not surprisingly, Ben fits into the new America and plans that his future will not make the same mistakes, wars and turmoil as he sees on the 2040 internet.

Walk with this intriguing ordinary colonial young man as he is catapulted through a new future into our present as he digests the politics, science, and customs of almost 300 years into the future.

Ben struggles to understand the ripple effects of his returning to 1732 and doing anything different from the ‘Past’ he has seen in 2040 videos and books.  Can he change the future?  Will only he know what he changed the present that only sees history as Ben lived it, not as seen in the 2040 history books.  Can the Timeline of the Universe be changed?  Or just the minor details?

Ben will surprise you.  As he does in our present history look at him.

Coming soon